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What We Stand For - Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd.

There is a story behind every Himalaya product. The story is about the people we work with, the way we do our business, how we grow our herbs, the ethics behind our research and our respect for the earth.

Our business practices are rooted in values that define the Himalaya Way.

Against Animal Testing

Against Animal Testing

Himalaya opposes animal testing. Cosmetic products should never be tested on animals. There is no way to justify pain for profit. The notion that a cream or lotion which makes us look and feel good, has been developed by testing on animals is sad and in this day of scientific progress, absolutely unacceptable.

None of our cosmetic products are tested on animals and they never will be.

We Respect Life. All life.

Good-for-earth practices

Himalaya's herbs are organically grown. We follow inernational Good Agriculture Practices in the cultivation of our herbs. In fact, we go beyond GAP rules, which permit use of synthetic fertilizers in very small quantities. Himalaya stays away from using any form of chemical fertilizers or pesticides in its farming. We like our herbs to be grown in an eco-sensitive way so that we protect the earth and harvest herbs with all its natural goodness.

To protect herbs from insect and pest attack, we make use of prophylactic sprays like Neem Oil. This acts like a natural insect repellant. It is sprayed on the plants at least 45 days before harvest, so that when the herb is harvested there is no residue of Neem oil.

Good-for-earth practices

Training of farmers

Training of farmers

Use of bio-fertilizers means crops have to be continuously inspected. We need to carefully monitor our herbs day after day. This close monitoring helps us pick the herbs at their right maturity index, so that their therapeutic properties are at a maximum. To give the soil its share of nutrients we make use of Farm Yard manures and vermicompost - both are earth friendly and nutrient rich. Vermicompost enhances bio-activity of the soil, increasing soil fertility and its water holding capacity. During non-harvest season, to restore the earth's natural nutrients and protect it from weeds, fungi, nematodes and other harmful insects, we expose the soil to the sun, a process known as Soil Solarization. Soil that has been solarized allows plants to draw on nutrients, especially nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium. Seeds germinate more quickly. Plants grow faster, mature earlier and give higher yields.

This chemical-free and pollution-free environment gives us herbs which are nature's best in quality and contribute to making our products both safe and efficacious.


Sustainability for Himalaya is about protecting the planet so that we can secure our future and the future of our children. It starts with realizing that we have the power to make a difference and acting with urgency.

At Himalaya, we make sure that collection of herbs is done on a sustainable basis. The 'pedigree' of the herb, which shows its availability, region where it is present, quantity and other details of its history, is tracked and recorded, to ensure that there is no excessive collection. Farmers are trained in sustainable harvesting and local conservation, thus making them active participants in securing their environmental and economic future.

Efforts are made to preserve environmental biodiversity by investing in research to cultivate endangered herbs.

Supporting local communities

Himalaya's vision of development is holistic. As a company one of our goals is to generate profits, but as a socially conscious entity, we believe it is equally important to invest in the community. Our profits allow us to make deeper and more meaningful investments in the communities in which we operate.

Supporting local communities

Women farmers on Himalaya herb farms

Women farmers on Himalaya herb farms

We have initiated several contract farming programs to source ingredients and herbs from small and marginal farmers. By creating trade networks we give poorer farmers access to international markets and better prices. Our philosophy is to economically empower local communities in a way that transforms them into active participants in the process of development. Many contract farming programs focus on generating employment for women.